Theme Park Guests Trapped For Harrowing 6 Hours On Stuck Merry-Go-Round

POCATELLO, ID—After an electrical issue brought the carousel to a halt, witnesses reported that guests at local theme park Pioneer Amusement Center were trapped Thursday for a harrowing six hours on a stuck merry-go-round. “I can’t explain to you how frightening it was to be suspended two feet off the ground on a fiberglass horse for that long,” said park visitor Luke Loller, who explained that the merry-go-round riders went into a state of utter panic when the ride suddenly stopped, leaving them stranded upon an array of elephants, bears, and lions. “We were battling hunger and dehydration the whole afternoon, sitting there with all the blood rushing to our legs. I spent the entire time looking over at my family, who stood a few yards away from me on the pavement, and wondering if I’d ever be reunited with them. Quite frankly, I thought I would die on that horsey.” At press time, the guests were reportedly rescued by firefighters using an unextended cherry picker.
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