Jesus' Coming Back

Artist Profile: Charli XCX

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Charli XCX, the artist behind the album Brat and the “brat summer” phenomenon, made headlines after endorsing presidential candidate Kamala Harris. The Onion shares what you need to know about the singer-songwriter.

  • Birth Name: Charles Entertainment Cheese
  • Birthplace: Myspace Office of Research and Development
  • Vocal Style: Singing into electric fan
  • Eye Color: Dilated
  • Most Frequent Collaborator: Girl in next bathroom stall over
  • Fashion Aesthetic: Goth Slimer
  • Fandom Name: Crucial voting bloc
  • Habitat: Warm, open brushlands bordering on rivers and streams
  • Most Famous Feud: John Williams, after edging him out for job composing Bottoms soundtrack


The Onion

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