Jesus' Coming Back

Study Finds 100% Of Men Fantasize About Launching Car Off Every Auto Transport Trailer They See


U.S. — A groundbreaking new study revealed a shocking insight into the masculine psyche, showing that 100% of men fantasize about launching their car off of every auto transport trailer they see while driving.

According to researchers, the study team had initially assumed that the phenomenon was only limited to men who happen to be driving sports cars while they blow past an empty auto transport at 15 over but in actuality, the fantasy extends to all men behind the wheel.

“Let’s face it — who doesn’t have it cross their mind every time?” Dr. Peter Jansport explained. “Our findings indicate even somebody’s crazy old uncle in a beat-up ’96 Dodge Grand Caravan will give serious consideration — however briefly — to revving up his engine and rocketing off the ramp of an auto transport. Truly fascinating data.”

According to local man James Jackson, the study’s results are accurate. “Yeah, I’ll be honest, that’s all I think about on the road these days,” he said. “Especially when traffic is backed up on the bridge and if I could just get over three cars I’d be golden. Are there seriously people who don’t think about it?”

At publishing time, a follow-up study had shown that 100% of all men also fantasize about blasting out of a tunnel through a fireball in an Aston Martin before deftly stepping out of the smoldering wreckage and walking away in slow-motion.

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