Opinion: Bluesky is a dangerous echo chamber because no one wants to hear from me, specifically

By Freya Grosvenor-Kent
Two years ago, Elon Musk bought Twitter.
I personally didn’t have a problem with that, because I’m a common sense centrist who nevertheless only writes about how much I agree with reactionary ideas. I didn’t believe Musk being in charge of Twitter (I can’t remember what it’s called now, a letter, one of the edgy ones) would affect me personally. And I was right, in that I don’t personally have a problem with him putting his thumb on the scale and turning Z or whatever it’s called into a right-wing social media site.
When Musk bought Twitter, conservatives finally had a place where they could speak their minds online, aside from all of the other sites where they speak their minds and I don’t personally go because those sites are really gross and scary.
Sure, after Musk took over Twitter and turned it into Q, I got called the c-word – and a bunch of other English slurs, and some other words I’m pretty sure are Russian insults comparing me to an incestuous pregnant bear – a lot more often than before, but that’s the price of a robust marketplace of ideas. I personally can’t go to the supermarket or the farmer’s market without one of the workers calling me a bitch because of how I treat them, so I’m used to that kind of thing in marketplaces.
But some snowflakes didn’t like constantly being bombarded with all of those valid right-wing concerns about the economy, and taxes, and what kind of genitals everyone should be allowed to have. So they ran to Bluesky. And I followed them, because while I’m perfectly happy on W, I also wanted to go where everyone else is, and where no one posts photos of my front door with the caption “she’s gotta come out sometime” because I didn’t like the first Joker movie.
So imagine my surprise when instead of welcoming me with open arms and the thousands of new followers I was expecting, Bluesky shunned me.
Why? Because I have some opinions they disagree with. And instead of respecting my inalienable right to be debated, they just… blocked me. Like I’m some kind of annoyance, rather than the iconoclastic and fascinating truth-teller which I know myself to be.
Some people were even abusive. But not in a fun, playful way like the men on Y who I know are just blowing off steam when they threaten to rape me. This abuse was much worse, because it was from people I disagree with politically.
I’m not leaving Bluesky, because I will not cede ground to the liberal mob. I will also continue to post on K, mostly about how mean everyone on Bluesky is to me. And I will write an opinion piece like this once a week, published in a major newspaper, to chronicle how my ideas are being censored.
I refuse to back down and let all those Bluesky elites ignoring me from their basement apartments win. I will win, because I have the best ideas, and everyone will know that as soon as Bluesky stops letting people avoid them.
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