12-Year-Old Jesus Amazes Temple Teachers By Completing Cracker Barrel Peg Game On First Try

JERUSALEM — The temple scribes and teachers were left in dumbfounded awe as a young boy from Nazareth named Jesus completed the Cracker Barrel peg game on his very first try.
The religious leaders had been engaged in heavy debate throughout the morning before the young boy arrived and started debating with them on the nature of God. They challenged him with the wooden triangle-shaped puzzle, which He then swiftly completed before their eyes.
“How did he gain such learning?” cried the scribes in wonderment. “Surely, we have not seen such wisdom in all of Israel!”
According to sources, several of the wisest teachers in the land gathered around to see the young boy Jesus attempt the peg game, asking questions about every move. “Verily, I say unto thee, I shall now jump using the corner peg,” witnesses claimed to have heard Jesus say as He demonstrated His perfect technique. Though some in the crowd doubted, the boy Jesus chose every move inerrantly, leaving only one peg standing.
“Behold!” cried out the scribes, staring in amazement. “Surely, what we are seeing is not of man, for who could do what the boy has done at such a young age, especially on his first try?”
A great furor then erupted among the teachers and scribes over whether completing the game on a first try was a sign of divine anointing or demon possession.
At publishing time, Mary and Joseph — who were frantically searching for the boy — realized that the last time they had seen Jesus was in the Jerusalem Cracker Barrel gift shop.
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