Guy Who Posted Craigslist Ad Wasn’t Expecting Dame Judi Dench To Buy His PS4

NEW YORK—Watching in stunned silence as the almost 90-year-old Academy Award–winning actress aggressively pushed him to drop the price, local man Aaron Singerman confirmed Tuesday that he wasn’t expecting Dame Judi Dench to respond to his recent Craigslist ad for a Sony PlayStation 4. “She emailed me with an offer just a few minutes after I posted, and kept upping every bid until I finally told her to just come over,” said Singerman, adding that the veteran actor of stage and screen did not identify herself and that he initially assumed the damejudi@gmail account belonged to a fan or was just a joke. “As soon as she got here, she came in hot and started trying to lowball me, saying she was only going to use it to play Hogwarts: Legacy and Fall Guys anyway. She even started examining the console, asking all these questions about how hot it was running and how often I used it, trying to accuse me of ripping her off. I finally knocked $50 off the price when she offered to trade me some glasses she wore in the movie Belfast. I don’t know if I can get anything for them, but I just wanted to get her out of here.” At press time, Dench was reportedly trying to back out of the deal by claiming her friend Anthony Hopkins would sell her his PS4 for half the price.
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