Report: ‘La Liga’ Probably Means ‘The League’

NEW YORK—Admitting they felt a reasonable level of certainty about the unfamiliar phrase after stumbling upon it on, the authors of a new report published Monday confirmed that “La Liga” probably means “The League.” “Huh, I’m not entirely sure what they’re trying to express here, but for some reason I have this feeling that La Liga is a way of referring to some kind of league in a foreign country,” said Dan Pinsky, one of many contributors to the report who repeated the words “La Liga” aloud to themselves several times in an attempt to jog their memory and determine whether they had heard it before. “On second thought, maybe it means ‘the line’? It definitely looks like there’s a line or something in the photograph. But no, that doesn’t really work. There are some sort of sports players here. You could certainly say they were part of a league. Although the word kind of looks feminine now that I’m looking closely at it, so maybe it’s about a women’s league? It’d be ‘La Ligo’ if it were about men, right?” The report concluded that the only way to know the meaning of the term for sure would be to hire a professional German translator.
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