Nation’s Mumblers March On Washington Demanding Something Or Other

WASHINGTON—With a half-whispered murmur of “Hey, hey, ho, ho, [inaudible] has got to [inaudible],” thousands of the nation’s mumblers marched on Washington Wednesday demanding something or other. “Obviously these people care enough to take to the streets in protest, but we can’t tell what exactly they’re fighting for because they refuse to enunciate,” said D.C. resident Charles Naylor, who speculated that the group was either opposing nuclear power or demanding looser restrictions on exotic reptile ownership. “They just grumble about this or that and then trudge away while still talking under their breath. One guy managed to tell me he was fed up. When I asked him what he was fed up about, he just pointed to his sign, which was totally illegible. Whatever their message is, they seem pretty determined to make unintelligible bits and pieces of it heard.” At press time, the muttering demonstrators had shuffled over to the Capitol Building, though it remained unclear whether they were meeting with lawmakers or simply taking a guided tour.
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