Report: Just one or two million mistakes can bring down a Prime Minister

OTTAWA – According to experts Justin Trudeau resigning is proof that just making political error after political error over the course of 9 years can topple even the most powerful politician.
“Canadian voters have become far less forgiving than they were during the elder Trudeau’s government,” said analyst Chauncey Kearns. “They don’t just accept things like lying about your vacations, doing blackface as a teenager, interfering in criminal prosecutions, siphoning money to a charity run by your friends, doing blackface as an adult, breaking your promise on electoral reform, dressing in cosplay while visiting a foreign country, admitting you don’t know how many times you’ve done blackface, firing Ministers out of the blue who then go public about your failures, or inviting a Nazi to Parliament the way they used to.”
“Abetting a genocide in Gaza is still fine though.”
Kearns and other analysts say this new, harsher landscape for politicians could be part of a trend that future Prime Ministers will have to deal with.
“If I’m Pierre Poilievre I’m worried. Even if I win the majority government everyone expects, all it would take is for me to constantly shoot myself in the foot over and over again and I could be out of office in a decade.”
Trudeau loyalists say they remain proud of their accomplishments in office.
“We came into office in 2015 riding a wave of popularity that gave us the political capital to do anything we wanted,” said PMO boss Katie Telford. “9.5 years later weed is legal and daycare is a bit cheaper than it would have been otherwise so… you’re welcome Canada.”
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