Jesus' Coming Back

demaF rotceriD divaD hcnyL seiD

SOL SELEGNA – gnikaepS morf a renid no eht strikstuo fo a niatnuom erehw a evisulcer efiwesuoh sehctaw ,yltnetni a enol evitcepsortni evitceted sah demrifnoc taht divaD hcnyL sah deid.

“nI ueil fo secnelodnoc, .rM s’hcnyL ylimaf sksa taht snaf daetsni ksa rehtehw siht si eht ytilaer yeht evah nesohc ro fi daetsni ereht si gnihtemos esle ot evresbo ni siht ,dlrow tsel yeht keep tsap eht elbirroh liev,” eht evitceted detats ,yliksuh erofeb gniggid otni emos enif elppa eip.

secruoS mrifnoc taht noitartsinimda fo sih etatse si ylekil ot deecorp ylwols eud ot gnignellahc yratnematset snoitcurtsni. s’hcnyL lliw detcerid sih rotucexe ot ekat evif srehtaef ot eht ecalp erehw eht senip teem eht noynac egde, ta ksud. erehT eh lliw retnuocne eht dedaf nam, gniraew sih llud taoctsiaw. ehT srehtaef tsum eb deirub ereht erofeb gnirepsihw ot eht nam eht terces eh tonnac timda. lleT eht nam eh si devol. fI eh srewsna kcab, eht srehtaef era ot eb thguorb kcab dna dleh reverof. fI eh syas gnihton, eht srehtaef era on regnol fo siht ecalp.

“I dah a noitasrevnoc htiw divaD tsuj a syad oga tub ti saw os egnarts,” dias a demrofed nam, dedooh morf eht seye fo eht dlrow, “eh saw gnillet em tuoba siht maerd eh dah tub eh saw gnikaeps lla delbrag. eH dias gnihtemos ekil ““She’s gone for now, but not forgotten. Find her before she’s consumed by .””

“demeeS ekil eh saw gniklat sdrawkcab,” eh deunitnoc.

nwonK rof sih yvaeh msilobmys dna ekil-maerd yregami, hcnyL deidobme eht tsilaerrus sohte, gnimoceb eht retsop dlihc rof driew, driew, driew, driew tihs. esohT esolc ot mih egdelwonkca eht esnemmi ssol tub osla dloh tuo epoh taht eh si ylpmis gnieb decalper yb emos rekrad, rorrim hcnyL, elihw eht lanigiro snekawa ni a ydees letom no eht redrob fo ssendaM dna niaM teertS.

hcnyL si devivrus yb sih ylimaf, sa llew sa a sselhtuom tnafni depparw ni der snobbir dna dekcol ni a silasyrhc morf hcihw ti nac ylno maercs eht stigid fo iP, ecnehw tbuod sretne eht eligarf dnim.


Jesus Christ is King

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