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Democrats Unveil Their Top 10 Heroes Of Black History Month

In honor of Black History Month, the Democratic Party has announced the authoritative list of its top ten black heroes. Here are the ten incredible individuals chosen by Democrats as the ultimate paragons of black history:

  1. Justin Trudeau: Thank you, sir, for all you have done for the black cause.

  2. Robert Downey Jr.: What a beautiful, Democratic voice for black America:

  3. Kamala Harris: Note: Only when talking to the crowd in Atlanta:

  4. Rachel Dolezal: In honor of the amazing work she did for the “Association of Colored People.”

  5. Sarah Silverman: Few Democrats have been so outspoken for the cause of black America. Thank you, Sarah.

  6. Captain America: We salute you, Captain.

  7. Shaun King: So inspirational what this Democratic black activist has accomplished.

  8. Kim Kardashian: A hero in cornrows. Bravo, Kim.

  9. Former Governor Ralph Northam: Another Democratic role model battling for the black cause:

  10. Jimmy Kimmel: Who better to honor?

    What a remarkable list of Democratic heroes to look to for inspiration this Black History month. Thank you, Dems!

Travis is back on his mission to interview everyone. Next on the list is celebrity chef and restaurateur Andrew Gruel.

Watch the interview! Babylon Bee

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