Ugh: Local Karen Being A Real Margaret
ROME, GA — In a brutal takedown, a local, well-known “Karen” was accused today of being a “real Margaret.”
The “Karen” in question, instead of merely acting in her usual manner as an entitled irritant, stepped up to gross condescension and ignorance, earning herself the new title “Margaret.”
“This morning, this ‘Karen’ displayed complete and total idiocy combined with grating, dismissive arrogance. In other words, she was a total ‘Margaret’,” explained neighbor Dean Barlow. “I can deal with a ‘Karen’, but I’m not putting up with a ‘Margaret’.”
The woman in question, Ms. Pam Timpson, has long been universally regarded as an annoying, meddlesome nuisance, or a “Karen.” However, Timpson was deeply offended to be referred to by the derogatory term “Margaret.” Sources say Timpson has vowed to report the name-calling to the HOA as well as City Council, which she visits weekly to express her disdain for the rest of humanity.
At publishing time, Timpson had threatened bodily harm to the next person who called her a “Margaret”, leading neighbors to say that Timpson was being a “real Hillary.”
Travis is back on his mission to interview everyone. Next on the list is celebrity chef and restaurateur Andrew Gruel.
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