Fox Bleeps Out Entire Kendrick Lamar Performance

NEW ORLEANS—In an effort to comply with FCC regulations and provide “family-friendly entertainment” for viewers, Fox reportedly opted Sunday to bleep out Kendrick Lamar’s entire Super Bowl halftime show. “Our decision to mute all of Mr. Lamar’s lyrics was prompted by their incendiary subject matter, which we determined was unbefitting of our broadcast,” said Fox spokesperson Jeremy Locklear, explaining that the network did not feel a single second of the Pulitzer Prize–winning artist’s music was appropriate to air. “We owe it to our audience to protect them from any content they might find distasteful, which is why we also aired pixelated video of the performance from beginning to end, ensuring no one would see anything that was happening on the stage. While it may have caused some confusion among viewers who attempted to turn up the volume or alter their TV settings, we ultimately stand by our decision.” According to reports, Fox censors successfully muted Lamar’s microphone, but they were unable to avoid broadcasting the sound of 75,000 shouting fans in the Superdome calling Drake a “certified pedophile.”
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