Report: Honestly, Man You Saw Get Hit By Bus Can’t Stop Thinking About You Either
CHICAGO—As he drifted in and out of consciousness and glimpsed memories of your eyes widening in horror, sources confirmed Tuesday that honestly, the man you recently saw get hit by a bus can’t stop thinking about you either. According to witnesses, it might surprise you, but the severely injured man whose face has been frozen in your mind for days can still hear your beautiful voice shouting “Bus!” during the brief moments when his pain isn’t too intense. While all you can think about is the sight of his bloody face and crumpled body as bystanders rushed to help him and sirens blared in the distance, all he has been able to think about are your piercing eyes and full lips, and your arms reaching out in a way his may never be able to do again. At press time, the man whose memory is the source of vivid flashbacks every time you see a bus was wondering how different his life would have been if he had seen you just a moment sooner and stopped instead of stepping into the street.