Dumb Dying Guy In Ambulance Makes You Miss Green Light

JACKSONVILLE, FL — In a tragic turn of events earlier today, some dumb dying guy in an ambulance made you miss your green light.
According to witnesses at the scene, you were completely ready to take a left turn on a sweet, sweet green arrow when this ambulance with some total jerk in the process of giving up the ghost in an ambulance zoomed through the intersection and made you wait until you missed the light.
Sources say that you were so stunned to see such a perfect opportune light pass you by that you just sort of looked after the ambulance with your mouth open like a fish until it was out of sight.
You allegedly wanted to get mad, but couldn’t because he was dying, so you kinda fumed to yourself the entire way to work, which you got to a whole three minutes later than you wanted to.
At publishing time, your parking spot had been stolen by a stupid old lady in a walker.
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