Jesus' Coming Back

Ontario voters excited to learn definition of insanity


TORONTO – In a province desperate for improvement on vital issues from housing to healthcare, voters who just made the logical choice to re-elect the same Premier they’ve had for the last 7 years say they are excited to learn exactly what the definition of is.

“Sure, I’ve complained non-stop for years about everything from ballooning house prices to declining infrastructure,” said 42-year-old Harold Henderson. “And I’ve determined the best way to get a different result on these problems is to elect again.”

“I really feel like he’s getting the hang of this whole Premier thing.”

Meanwhile, 26-year-old Bobby Moore said he didn’t feel the election was important enough to vote on. “I mostly care about stuff like healthcare and education, so I’ll just wait for the next federal election.”

Older voters in particular advised pollsters that, while they liked the idea of some change, they didn’t want the kind that would threaten the economic privileges they earned by being born at a time when homes were affordable. Especially not for things they would never use like transport, hospitals or assisted living.

When asked whether he was familiar with ’s definition of insanity as doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results, one voter scoffed, “I don’t listen to people with stupid haircuts.”


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