Modern-Day Rosa Parks Refuses To Leave Tip For Takeout Order

MONTGOMERY, AL — Authorities responded to a call at an International House of Pancakes off Atlanta Highway where witnesses said a modern-day Rosa Parks bravely took a stand by refusing to leave a tip for a takeout order.
The man, whose name had not yet been released publicly, ordered a Split Decision Breakfast over the phone and came in to pick it up. But there was a hiccup in his plan: a small screen at the kiosk that asked him if he wanted to leave a tip.
“I ordered it. I drove here. Now I’m taking it home,” the man reportedly said as he defiantly selected “No Tip” on the point-of-sale terminal. “Why should I leave a tip?”
The hostess on duty was said to have been traumatized by the incident and phoned the police as soon as the customer folded his arms across his chest, indicating that he would definitely not leave a tip.
When they arrived, authorities promptly confronted the non-tipper and eventually asked him to leave the premises. All of this happened before a crowd of onlookers who jeered the police and cheered the customer, who they saw as a hero.
“Just like brave Rosa Parks refused to cave and leave her seat on the bus, so this man is setting a bold example for all of us,” said one witness-turned-no-tipping-advocate. “He is a bright, shining light in a dark sea of unnecessary tipping. I want to be him when I grow up.”
At publishing time, a march against unwarranted tipping had been organized in downtown Montgomery but reportedly hit a snag when attendees voiced opposition to having to tip their rideshare drivers to reach the protest location.
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