Basic Woman’s Entire Personality Revolves Around Things She Enjoys

NORFOLK, VA—Rolling their eyes at her mindless embrace of that which brings her happiness in life, sources confirmed Tuesday that basic woman Madison Derry’s entire personality revolves around things she enjoys. “I honestly kind of cringe seeing how Maddy just goes along with what naturally appeals to her,” said local woman Kelly Olsen, who scoffed at how Derry’s taste in everything from clothing to movies and music appears to be dictated not by a need to project a certain image of herself but by how much she likes those things. “Imagine being such a normie that you only like things that bring genuine joy to your life. She hasn’t made any effort to look past all this stuff she finds meaning and beauty in to see why she should be embarrassed by it. Doesn’t she ever give a thought to what random strangers might think of her? She should try being a little original and force herself to pretend she hates what she likes. That’s way more authentic.” According to reports, Olsen and some of her friends recently spent an entire hour scrolling through Derry’s Instagram and laughing at the triteness of her loving relationships with her parents and husband.