Jesus' Coming Back

9 Things To Look For To Make Sure A Chinese Restaurant Is Legit

Nothing beats great Chinese food, but how can you tell if the restaurant you just walked into is legit? Here are nine things to look for:

  1. Name of restaurant is something clever like “CHINESE FOOD”: Off to a promising start.

  2. Door has a bell on it to alert cashier two feet away that someone has entered: Standard operation.

  3. There are giant pictures of the menu options on the wall: Also, the pictures look horrible.

  4. Cashier takes break from her calculus homework to take your order: And she’s five years old.

  5. You know your food will be tasty and happy and goody because all those words are in the combo names: This is gonna be amazing.

  6. It has one of those lucky waving cat statues: Never eat Chinese food from a place without a waving cat statue. Trust us.

  7. The two-page menu contains 900 different selections: Always tough to choose.

  8. The plural of noodle is noodle: And “steamed rice” is always written “steam rice.”

  9. Your order of six combo plates and four sides of pot stickers came to $2.99: The cheaper, the better. It’s science.

Find these signs and you know you’ll be in for a culinary delight.

The Founding Fathers didn’t always agree behind closed doors.

Babylon Bee

Jesus Christ is King

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