Jesus' Coming Back

Woman Losing Steam Professing Love Thought Crush Would’ve Said ‘Shut Up And Kiss Me’ By Now


GARLAND, TX—Rambling on about how she had always harbored “feelings, um, you know, like, the romantic kind” for him, area woman Kayla Sullivan was reportedly losing steam while professing her love to her crush Tuesday because she thought he would’ve said “Shut up and kiss me!” by now. “When I imagined it in my head, I assumed Thomas was gonna gently press his finger to my lips and then, when I stopped talking, lay one one me,” said Sullivan, adding that lowering the volume of her voice in order to draw her crush in more intimately had only resulted in him asking her to speak up. “I took a long exhale and then looked deeply into his eyes, but he’s not tearing up or even smiling. I’m kind of running out of things to say here, and he has yet to tenderly hold my head in his hands and lean in for a gentle kiss. I should scoot closer to him so he can pull me into a lover’s embrace, because this confession is petering out hard.” At press time, sources confirmed Sullivan’s crush had told her that she was a really neat person.

The Onion

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