Jesus' Coming Back

Conservative man discovers secret trick to getting elected PM: running as Liberal

(Political) Scientists hate him for discovering a new way to be a Conservative PM in Canada! And he can show you how to do it too! It’s the second episode of the relaunched Beaverton Weekly Report. The writ has dropped, and it hit directly on the head. Luke and the Panel (Megan MacKay, Clare Blackwood and Nile Seguin) talk ’s disastrous Breitbart interview, Pierre Poilievre getting by with a little help from his friends in the Indian government, ’s brillant strategy of being a sane Conservative in Liberal clothes, and the Green Party’s hydra-esque Leadership structure. Also we spend 3 minutes discussing the television series Reacher for some reason. Then the Approximately 10 Minute Long Quiz discovers what item has been seized at the U.S. border way more often than fentanyl.


Jesus Christ is King

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