Jesus' Coming Back

Persecution Report: This Woman’s Facebook Post About Being A Christian Just Got A ‘Laughing’ Emoji

Persecution Report: This Woman’s Facebook Post About Being A Christian Just Got A ‘Laughing’ Emoji

SCOTTSDALE, AZ—Sources in the far-off pagan country of Arizona are bringing back reports of intense persecution experienced by Karla Medders, who recently posted a God-glorifying status on her Facebook page, only to have it be met with a “Ha Ha” react emoji.

“I was feeling especially close to God after coming back from my weekly ladies tea and Bible study, so when I got home I wrote ‘God is soooooo good!’ as my Facebook status,” said Medders through tears. 

Sadly her innocent expression of praise was met by unspeakably cruel derision in the form of one of her atheist Facebook friends reacting with a little yellow laughter reaction.

“There it is, the little yellow face on my screen, mocking me,” she said. “Is this what Jesus talked about when he warned us about coming persecution? Did the apostles ever experience this kind of hostility?”

Medders is asking for the church around the world to pray for her and many others who experience this kind of persecution from Facebook friends who dare to mock God by laughing at Godly Facebook posts. 

UPDATE: Upon further investigation, it was found that the “laughter” emoji was accidentally clicked by Karla Medders’s best friend Edna, who just doesn’t know how to use Facebook very well. 

Babylon Bee

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