Jesus' Coming Back

Man Excitedly Starts His ‘Read Half Way Through Genesis Before Quitting’ Bible In A Year Plan

Man Excitedly Starts His ‘Read Half Way Through Genesis Before Quitting’ Bible In A Year Plan

AUSTIN, TX—Sources have confirmed that Grant Morris has once again kicked off the new year with ambitions to read the entire Bible in a year. He is following a slightly modified plan though, where he just reads half of the book of Genesis before he loses all steam and stops.

“Now this is a plan that I can stick to!” explained Grant Morris. “This way really works well with my schedule, and is perfect for when I give up entirely in a week or so.”

At the time of publishing, Morris had made it all the way to Genesis 23 before throwing in the towel. When asked if he will try again, Morris said that next year he’s really going to get serious about reading the entire Bible, and he might even make it to Exodus.

RED ALERT: this is not a joke. Elon Musk sat down with The Babylon Bee for an in-depth interview on wokeness, Elizabeth Warren, the Metaverse, and how the left is killing comedy.

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