Jesus' Coming Back
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Loblaws launches for profit food bank

BRAMPTON – In response to continuing accusations of greed-flation and price gouging, Loblaws has announced the launch of a nationwide chain of for-profit food banks. “We’re sensitive to the fact that Canadians are struggling with the…

10 ways the Liberals can still win the next election

The Liberal Party has fallen a teeny tiny little bit behind the Conservatives in the polls. And with an election possibly imminent Liberals insiders are reportedly telling PM Trudeau that he can’t win. But we say that is pure hogwash. Here…

Top 5 courses at Jordan Peterson’s new University

Jordan Peterson has unveiled his “anti-woke” University: Peterson Academy. Which is definitely a real university and not just Conservative MasterClass. Being the curious intellectuals we are, we signed up and are here to report back on the…

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